Laser resurfacinguses a laser light to heat, damage, or destroy the upper layers of theskin. This can tighten the skin or cause new skin to grow. It is typically used to remove or improve the appearance ofwrinkles, brown spots, shallow scars (fromacne, surgery, or trauma), and sometimes, the appearance of small veins. Tattoos are removed with surgery or a laser that breaks down the color into fragments. These fragments are removed by your immune system.
Chemical peeluses a chemical solution to remove the top layers of skin, allowing new skin to grow. It is most often used to removewrinkles, superficial skin growths, shallow scars, pigment changes in the skin, and otherskin problems.
Dermabrasionuses a fine wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges to remove the upper layers of the skin, allowing new skin to grow. It may be used to treatacnescars andwrinklesaround themouthor to treat an enlarged nose (rhinophyma) caused byrosacea(facialinflammationand redness).Microdermabrasionuses a different technique to treat just the top layers of the skin.
Filler injectionsare used to smoothwrinklesor pitted scars in the skin. They are also used to make the lips fuller. Fillers can restore volume and structure that is lost due to age orweight loss. When injected under the skin, a filler raises or puffs up that area. This goes away with time.
Botox injectionsuse a protein that weakens the muscles of the face to reduce wrinkles. The effect is temporary, lasting about 3 to 4 months.
Sclerotherapyreduces or removes the appearance of smallvaricose veinsandspider veins. In sclerotherapy, a chemical is injected into a vein to damage and scar the inside lining of the vein, which causes the vein to close.
Laser hair removalandelectrolysispermanently remove unwantedhairsuch as facialhair. Inlaser hair removal, light treatments are used to heat and destroy hair follicles. This reduces the number of body hairs. In electrolysis, an electric current is applied to the hair root, which heats and destroys the hair follicle. Hair is not able to grow back in this area.
Medical tattooing uses tattoo ink to change the look of a medical problem. For example, it can be used afterbreastsurgery to create the look of a darker nipple and areola. Medical tattooing can also be used to darken white skin patches (vitiligo) and scarred skin.